If you thought the dream playhouses were crazy, check these out.
They are DOG houses. Um, wow.
Found here .
I'm at a loss for words. Speak, girl, speak! Nope, nothing.
7 years ago
<a target="_blank" href="http://www.hotchocolateshop.blogspot.com/" title="Mouseover Words"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhnsh4HLcC9-Pnz5IvXOVZW8mgDJUvvY3qmONJfn6CXQNUqFu-0AdCHsSNxuZcoZ96PDZeaYvSY72BNVUXU8QzvyeoIF-APL2bSTNPB_rlvmzP6VLaoawat7UZkaoMz2_6BDj77bxR1H_GM/s1600/HotchocolateSHOP.jpg" /></a>
These aren't as elaborate as the ones you have up, but your cousin sells some semi-fancy doghouses through one of his companies. http://www.afinia.com/category_s/51.htm