Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Baby Week: Crystal

"This is the first time I've ever contributed to the blog, other than the stray comment here and there. I've always wanted to (I really ought to have done weddings week. As a photographer I've probably seen it all) but this week's subject made it absolutely impossible for me not to post. Because, you see, I have a beautiful baby. And a camera.

Beautiful baby+camera happy mom= lots and lots of pictures.

Jamison just turned one year old, and he is just amazing. I know I'm supposed to share a story, but pictures will convey the cuteness the best.

It was hard to narrow it down, but these pictures of him in our backyard eating an apple right off the tree are my favorite. I love it. love him. He loves me too. As long as I don't try to take the apple away."