Friday, November 20, 2009

Toy Week: Melissa

"When I was a kid, I had a few favorite toys. I remember for my 5th birthday, I had a party and McDonald's and I got one of those magic hair dolls. When you raised her left arm to the butterfly in her hair, her ponytail grew longer. It was so cool. And all of the girls were really jealous of me. My parents even bought the one with red hair, so it was just like me. I can't for the life of me remember what they were called. Sad.
Pretty Pretty Princess was also a favorite. I took a Pretty Pretty Princess play set to one of my friends for her birthday present. It was the hardest thing I had ever had to do. And to be perfectly honest, I don't think anything since has been as difficult, comparatively. Yeah, childbirth isn't easy, but I didn't have to talk myself into it like I had to with this one. I really wanted to be sick so I didn't have to go to the party. Her name was Stormy by the way. She lived on the corner of our street, about 6 houses down. It was the longest walk of my life.
And the ultimate, My Little Ponies. I only had one or two, but I loved them dearly. In May, I was in a thrift store and found several for a dollar or two a piece. I bought every single one of them for Charlotte. I sat on her bedroom floor and tried to convince her to play with them. She ignored me. Matt found me sitting on the floor playing with them by myself. I was slightly horrified that he caught me reliving my childhood like this. For the record, 6 months later, Charlotte loves the ponies and carries them around. So it wasn't a wasted 10 dollars."

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