Monday, November 2, 2009

Week Six: Books

Okay, I love books and I know a bunch of you do too. Don't be shy. I am always looking for new books to read and new books to suggest at my book club meetings. So I want to hear from you!

Pretend this is a blog book club for the week! So pull up a chair and snuggle in with a mug of hot chocolate while we discuss our favorite books. (Don't you just love the mere idea of being in a book club? Don't you feel sophisticated and lady-like? You are.)
Let's get to it.

1) What was the last book you read that you totally loved?
2) What is your favorite children's book?
3) What book should be on everyone's list to read before they die?

Answer one of the questions or all 3, and you will be entered to win a $10 gift card from!
(Its about time I had another giveaway. And I know $10 doesn't seem like a lot but you'd be surprised how many books are $10 or less...)

Go ahead. You know you want to. Email me your thoughts at

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