Thursday, November 12, 2009

Baby Week: Stefany

"Most of my blog posts on my personal blog site are about Katie. It's not that she's a girl, it's that she's the baby. If I had started blogging years ago, you'd see that I would have written about all six boys when they were babies, too. First moments are new, no matter how many kids you have.

One of my favorite times is bath time. There's nothing quite like the perfect skin of a baby. Add to it a bunch of bubbles and smiles, and everything seems right in the world for a few minutes.
Another of my favorites is dress-up time. We get to have dress-up time every Sunday for church, but sometimes we do it just for the photo op. This photo was taken by Daddy in the back yard. How I love getting just the right smile in a photo! Did you know that looking at pictures of your own children actually makes the brain release endorphins, creating a feeling of well-being?"

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