Saturday, October 17, 2009

Crush Week: Jessica

"I really didn’t care to watch a lot of the same shows that my peers watched. I wasn’t into the popular movies, or the popular music stars. Most of the time, they irritated me. During the teen years, I spent a majority of my time being annoyed at the social rules of all those around me. My sister told me, years after our high school time, that everyone in the school thought I was a snob. I was surprised by that. I always figured the popular kids didn’t hang out with me because they looked down on me. It never occurred to me that they thought I looked down on them. Later, though, I have rethought, and realized they were right, I did look down on them. Oh my Gosh, I was a snob! I did think their posters, and heartthrobs were silly and childish. I did roll my eyes when they said they “loved” someone (whether a celebrity or a real person). I was a full-on snob!

But, I kept a little secret. My family watched Star Trek every night together. (Yes, I know what you are thinking- “if my family did that, I’d keep it a secret, too.”) I watched it for the humor, the family togetherness, the wit, or not. I watched it because of Wesley Crusher.

That was my secret. All of my eye-rolling, and laughing at their silliness, and I was just like them, with my silly crush. I think only my sister and I talked about him, and she knew my secret.

I did have one real person crush. I met him at my first youth dance. He lived 3 hours from me, and we only saw each other once a month. We did communicate through letters, and he did come down to a dance at my school one time with me. (If you know me, and are remembering that one time, no, it wasn’t that guy. Maybe we should tell stories of guys who tried (and failed) to woo you. That would be a good one.) He was nice, going to be a doctor, kind of the “all-American” guy, except he was Canadian. At some point in time, my crush on him shifted to a true friendship, and we maintained that friendship all the way into my mission. I got a wedding invitation from him, and that’s the end of our story."

Wow, a Star Trek crush. Jess, you are brave to share! I would mock you mercilessly...except I'm a pretty big Han Solo fan and I'm not sure a Star Wars crush is much better then a Star Trek crush.


  1. I know for a fact that you (and I) are not the only ones on this site who harbor secret star trek crushes. I'm not going to out anybody, but know that you have more company than will admit to it... (and star trek and star wars are both more normal than Dune crushes, what with paul of atraites riding the giant sand worms to the accompaniment of rock opera...)

  2. Jessica, I think he looks a little like Tom! You know, in a weird adolescent star-trekky way. Haha don't kill me, all's I'm sayin is I see you go for a man with dark hair. You like the tall dark & handsome type. Not a bad type.

  3. I have always gone for the dark hair. Every single guy I dated had dark hair.

    Did anyone else see "The Big Bang" on Monday? He was on it. Not so cute, now.
