Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wedding Week: Cake Wrecks

As luck would have it, one of the best blogs ever- Cake Wrecks - had a wedding themed post today. Wedding cakes galore. Unfortunately, the bakers that these brides hired didn't QUITE catch the vision of what the brides wanted.

Like the bride who asked for this:

But ended up with THIS: That's unfortunate. At least you would have a good story to tell the grandchildren I suppose.

If you aren't a frequenter of Cake Wrecks, I highly recommend you browse it. It will make you laugh. That cake is from today's post, but here are a few more "Missed Mark" gems from Cake Wrecks archives (these are scarred onto my psyche):

What she wanted:
What she got: Um....not exactly.

And one more. What she wanted:
What she got:
See, girls, your weddings could have been much worse.
(Keep sending in your wedding stories/pictures/dreams!)