Saturday, October 10, 2009

Target Week: Ally

Here's something cool I want to buy from Target.

This summer I borrowed an umbrella from my generous cousin Nancy because it looked like rain. Welllll let's just say the umbrella and I got separated. Yes, it was kidnapped. Umbrellanapped. I hate it when that happens. Nothing is worse then having to go back to someone and say, "Uhhh you know that thing you so generously lent me? A-hem. Uhhhh..." So I needed to buy a replacement umbrella to return to Nancy. I wanted a cute one so I looked at Target online and then at the store. We ended up getting a way cute polka dot one (right Nancy? I forget.) but in the process of all this umbrella shopping I fell in love with this little beauty:So cute. So poetic. I still haven't bought it but I think I will because I keep salivating over it. Is it crazy to be so in love with an umbrella? I just really want to carry it down the street and sing "I got sunshiiiine, on a clouuudy day."

Oh and hey, thanks everyone for your Target stories! I will be posting the winner of the giveaway on Monday, and the new discussion topic is on its way. Happy weekend!


  1. Yes, its an adoreable polka dot umbrella, in fact. AND I have since discovered that not ONLY does it open when you push the button on the handle (as all umbrellas should...) but also, get this, it CLOSES when you push the button on the handle. I marvel at technology.
