Sunday, October 11, 2009

Target Week: Megan

"Ok, here is my Target story, well, my sisters target story actually. I thought it was quite appropriate, and funny, that you had written about Target and that same day she calls to tell me this deal!

I LOVE Target- bought 2 packages of Luvs diapers, 2 boxes of Target brand wipes, 2 Johnson and Johnson baby wash, and 12 jars of baby food all for.... $8.68!! All about the coupons...

My sister has turned me into a couponer and I am about to go cash in on this same deal that she got at target! She lives in Colorado and there aren't nearly as many couponers out there. So wish me luck that all the shelves are still stocked, waiting for me to bring some mighty fine loot home!"

Good luck, Megan! Share your coupon wisdom with us...

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